French Skirmishers |  | French Skirmishers harassing the Austrian Lines | |
| French Cavalry Charge |  | The 1st Polish Lance, 1st Cuirassier and a Dragoon Regiment foolishly attempt a full frontal charge against the Brithish Lines | |
| French Cavalry Line |  | French Cavalry Squaring up to the Brish on the ridge | |
| French Advance 2 |  | French, Westphalian and Neapolitan troops advancing | |
| Imperial Guard Cavalry |  | Chasseurs a Cheval of the Imperial Guard charging forward | |
| Guard Lancers |  | Imperial Guard Polish Lancers advancing | |
Swiss |  | The 1st and 4th Swiss advance to the crest of a hill | |
| Westphalian & Neapolitan Troops |  | Westphalian and Neapolitan troops advance in column of march | |